Leaping over tall buildings would be easier if we had a Shrink-o-Matic ray that scaled the buildings down to the size of things made with Lego® blocks. So let's build one, and let your boss keep thinking of you as a superhero. Key components of the Shrink-o-Matic ray gun: Project management and technical review management.
How do you keep track of project requirements? How do you stay informed of all the new features under development? How do you determine what parts of the documentation are affected by each change or new feature? How do you ensure the material is updated?
Start with a project plan that shows the reason for the project (such as a new software release), the schedule, your subject-matter experts and other project stakeholders, your deliverables and the scope of changes to them, your assumptions, and possible risks. Distribute this to all the project stakeholders. Publish it on your intranet. Update it weekly.
When your first draft of the project plan is done, start building your project tracking spreadsheet. Include each new or modified product feature on its own row. Identify which subject-matter expert owns each feature and which of your deliverables will cover it.
Create additional tabs in the spreadsheet file, one for each of your deliverables. For each one, pop in the topic outline that you created in the design phase – one row per topic. Start with these columns:
- Topic - this is the first or second column, depending on whether you want to show the topics by chapter or help book.
- Work required – specifies whether the topic is to be created, updated, or left alone.
- Subject-matter expert – who owns this information?
- Questions – anything you need the subject-matter expert to answer; any unresolved issues.
- Blockers – anything outside of your control that's keeping you from finishing the topic.
- Updated – check off each topic as you finish it.
When you encounter a blocker, bring it up in the next project meeting if it's not a well-known situation already - and mention it even if it is well-known. For example, "I still have a couple topics on feature X, which hasn't been coded yet, so I'm dealing with other features that are further along."
Now here’s the power-booster for your Shrink-o-Matic ray. For each deliverable, add two more tabs:
- To review - the date when you hand the topic to the subject-matter expert who owns it.
- Corrections received - the date that you get the topic back with corrections.
A tip of the hat goes to John Hedtke, who introduced me to a stripped-down version of project management by spreadsheet several years ago.
D'oh. I said "add two more tabs" when I meant "add two more columns." As my first tech writing mentor used to say, "Always poofreead." :-)
ReplyDelete- Karen